The Six-Month Life Reset 

As the life coach for driven New Yorkers who want to escape the overwhelm, I help you redesign a fulfilling, balanced and enjoyable life.

Ready to reset?

Feeling stuck…

Are you frustrated and unable to act on the many projects you have, every day blending into the next? Unsure of your direction, the next step to take, yet you’re craving to unleash your full potential, grow, and thrive – you want to feel that spark, that feeling of renewed energy and purpose!


I empower busy and successful women like you to break free from the paralysis of indecision, allowing you to reimagine and create your life, career, and relationships in ways you never thought possible. What about finally pursuing that business idea or kickstarting that personal project – all without the fear of burning out or failing!

^^ (my)true story: it's possible


6 steps to making decisions with ease and ending the cycle of indecision.

Stop putting off your decisions

Grab this FREE GUIDE that will rewire the way you make choices – plus, have you make more and better decisions with confidence every day.

Starting a new chapter in life can be overwhelming — I made it simpler, sustainable and fun in 6 steps!

  • 1. Find your daily direction

    It’s easy to feel lost in a demanding world and wander in auto-pilot mode. I’ll show you how to redirect your focus and energy every day to stay in integrity with your values, goals and vision. You’ll feel ready to face any difficulty with your own life direction compass.

  • 2. Commit to your goals

    If we don’t have a compelling reason, the likelihood to give up is high. We want to know WHY you want what you want in life, make sure you don’t envision your future from your past, get past your inner critic and limiting beliefs and decide what’s POSSIBLE for you. You’ll identify, clarify and support your goals and have a clear future roadmap.

  • 3. Create more time

    No more distracting yourself from what you truly want with “I don’t have time”’ and “I’m too busy” excuses. If thinking about all the things that need to be done makes you feel overwhelmed, fear no more, you will regain energy and get things done with your weekly time optimizer system.

  • 4. Make decisions strongly

    “There are no right or wrong decisions and decisions are easy to make”. This will become your new mantra. You will make more decisions with ease, looking back at your indecisiveness with a wink. You’ll become a decision queen with a better decision formula.

  • 5. Master your emotions

    Believe it or not, the worst that can happen is a negative emotion. Instead of reacting, resisting or avoiding them, imagine your life when you can swiftly regulate and redirect stress, overwhelm, confusion, anger, disappointment without blaming anyone. You’ll master your own power and feel present with the emotional regulation protocol.

  • 6. Fuel your confidence

    It’s all within you and I’ll show you how to cultivate self-confidence, uncover your inner mentor, make any situation better for yourself and turn any challenge into an opportunity for learning and evolving into who you’re meant to be. You’ll create unshakable belief in yourself with the possibility accelerator.

The truth is…

You have big dreams and desires. It sounds so exciting with endless possibilities and you’re ready to take action and risks.


You find yourself struggling to just make it through the day. Plus life throws its curveballs, bringing both successes and its fair share of setbacks. Now you feel more drained than motivated.

Before you know you’re operating on autopilot and in survival mode. You're constantly busy and feel scattered.

Eventually, you settle for the status quo, repeating the same routine day after day. It feels comfortable at first, but then a nagging feeling arises, pushing you to seek more, something better, something different. You want to change and grow, but you're unsure where to start or how to alter your daily life.

So you set realistic expectations and goals, which feels reassuring at first. But then you realize you've stopped dreaming and feeling alive. You're left feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about what's possible.

Change seems out of reach.

And here you are standing at a major crossroad, yearning to reset and start a new chapter in your life, but you're not sure where to begin.

So glad you're here…

Your past, your failures, and your worries shouldn't overshadow the rest of your life.

So, how do you transition from merely existing and struggling to truly living and thriving?

So glad you asked…

I understand feeling stuck sucks, especially when you know you're meant for something more vibrant and enjoyable. It's soul-crushing.

But it doesn't have to be this way!

I’ll help you…

Nail down your goals for your career, relationships, health and wealth – and build your strategy and future vision that will help maintain your direction and get you right back on track when needed.

Cultivate self-confidence so you can overcome any obstacles between you and the life you truly desire while enjoying a delicious new found relationship with yourself.

Get on with investing your energy more carefully to create more time, make more decisions, take more risks and overcome failure with less stress and with more love, kindness and compassion for yourself.

I’m not here to guarantee it will be easy all the time.

It won’t – easy is not what will actually guarantee the life, the career and the relationships you truly desire. 

I’m here to help you rewire unconscious inner blockers with simple tools and methods so you can build a clear life roadmap in a way that works for you.



Finally, feel like you know how to believe in yourself like no one else on this planet, not needing external validation and going after what you most desire.


Let me lead you in what I do best so you can make more and more decisions without never looking back and always moving forward every day.


We’ll set a strategy for what you want to achieve with your career, relationships, health and wealth – we’ll pinpoint what you're truly looking for and why.

12 +

Seven online core modules and worksheets, plus five surprise bonus modules.


Individual coaching calls to support your real problems with real solutions; and virtual coaching in the stream.

6 months

The foundation to rewire the way you think, feel and show up propelling you where you want to be 5 years from now.


The number of times you’ll hear me say it’s impossible. It’s all within you, you’ll blow your own mind.


What if you would wake up everyday excited for what’s to come and truly enjoyed your highs, lows and everything in between.

What if you had a system in place to create more time and achieve your ideal work-life balance.

What if you were certain that you were on the right path and knew the next step to take in every aspect of your life.

– Without getting burned out, waiting to be more qualified, or letting years pass before you can start feeling fulfilled and passionate!



  1. I show you the ROOT CAUSE of your inner blocks and stressors and give you SOLUTIONS to develop your interpersonal skills & mindset.

  2. I went through some serious adversity and I know how to BUILD BACK UP, from the inside out, one step at a time.

  3. I give you SYSTEMS & STRUCTURE to become a productive powerhouse.

  4. I work full-time and I’ve scaled my life coaching private practice while THRIVING after a painful divorce. 

  5. I lived in 15 countries and speak four languages not because I’m smarter but because I know how to DO HARD THINGS.

  6. I teach you how to generate CONFIDENCE from within that will help you overcome imposter syndrome and comparison traps.

  7. I guide you in creating a plan to envision and create an INCREDIBLE FUTURE for your life.

  8. ​I support you with INDIVIDUAL COACHING every week.

  9. I am 100% results-driven - you get LIFETIME ACCESS to the online tools and modules.

  10. I DEEPLY CARE for your fulfillment, purpose, and transformation.


I've been obsessed with peace and making the world a better place since I was 14, so naturally, I studied international law and became a humanitarian aid worker. I landed my first job after earning my master's degree in Kabul, Afghanistan, back in 2008. True story, I was 23. I dreamt of working with the UN (and I did).

After almost a decade in the aid sector, helping people in distress, I decided I was ready for a new and more stable life in New York City. Two amazing kids and a divorce later, I found my way to life coaching.

Because if there's one thing I've become an expert in and I know I can help people with, it's turning adversity into personal growth. Building back from the inside out. Honoring my decisions. Taking action. Overcoming failure and getting right back at it. Embracing chaos and making it something beautiful.

“I'm here on a mission to ensure you know how to shine and thrive - and actually have fun and feel passionate in the process of (re)designing your life!"

Ready to reset.

〰️ Clients results 〰️

〰️ Clients results 〰️

— Fedra P., 44

“I started the journey feeling really confused, anxious, and scared. I had experienced major life changes. I could not see a path forward at all. By working with Armony, the fog and anxiety cleared, and the feeling of failure melted away. I made enormous and key life-changing decisions. I’m enjoying each day and not spending time worrying about what’s coming next because I know where I’m taking my life. I feel confident about my decisions and what my future is going to look like. I am a changed person; coaching has been the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. Armony brought out the best in me.”

— Armelle F., 67

“I wanted to do something but I had created negative blockages around it and felt closed off. With Armony, I was able to reframe it as an adventure opportunity and take action.”

— Dora A., 42

“In just a few sessions, Armony helped me overcome the unnecessary barriers that I was actually creating for myself.”

— Jordan L., 22

“Coaching with Armony has transformed my life. I've changed the way I engage, live, and breathe in this world.”

— Sean L. , 34

"I can't believe what coaching did for me; I had been ruminating for years and it totally cleared my head." -

Explore my free webinars

Dream future.

Create time.

Grow confidence.

Ready to love your life?

Let's go!

Ready to love your life? Let's go!